RE (Religious Education)


The teaching of Religious Education (RE) is a statutory requirement for all pupils in maintained schools in the country.

Here at Bickley, we follow the Bromley Syllabus and Discovery RE. We teach RE in a holistic way by not only learning about the main religions in the world, but also what we can learn from the different faiths. 

British values

We place importance on the teaching of RE as we believe it is significant to know about the faiths of others - especially in a time where our children are growing up and will continue living in a diverse and cosmopolitan society. We also take pride in the diversity we have in our school and make every effort to allow our staff and pupils to share their knowledge and expertise. 

Our aim is to provide our children with the best education in RE. In order to achieve this fully, we place high significance in visiting places of worship. We believe this allows our children to have a clearer understanding of how people of different faiths worship, what the features of their place of worship are and to learn about different faiths' community outreach.  


Below are some examples of our learning experiences in RE 

Diwali assembly



Thumbnail 1m christmas journey workshop trip three wise men

RE Vocab

RE Overview